
Spearman Lobby

Learn to play or enjoy the "track" with other experienced players.

Los Estudiantes: Spanish Language Discussion Group

Hearst Room

The group consists of advanced Spanish students who engage in current and cultural discussions in Spanish. Profesora Dixie helps with structure and challenges the group to keep learning.


Mah Jongg

Dining Room

Learn to play or join the fun.

Minnesota Canasta

Noia Lobby

This rummy-based card game is played with six decks and twelve jokers as two teams of two. It's "two" much fun! Want to learn? Join the table on Thursday morning to learn the game.


Corn Hole

Hearst Room

Come toss the bag in the cool air-conditioned Hearst Room.

Mah Jongg

Dining Room

Learn to play or join the fun.

Beginning Tai Chi

Ross/Autry Room

Excellent exercise for balance and peaceful moving meditation. In this class students will learn each step of the Tai Chi form. Instructor Verna Norris is a certified sifu.